A time of low beach levels in the north end of Seagrove Bay led to movement of the seawall and the reactivation of the deeper underlying slips, with consequent damage to the houses and their gardens along Pier Road. Stabilisation works included anchoring back of the existing sea wall and installing a deep interceptor drain along Pier Road. Due to the narrow width of this road and the congested services it was not possible to dig a trench 6m deep. Therefore the drain was put in using directional drilling techniques and vertical wells were drilled down to the drain to intercept the ground water.
Other work involved the installation of long soil nails through the sea wall to West Rookery and the partial underpinning of this property. The demolition and rebuilding of the Seahouse and Waters Edge The demolition and rebuilding of Providence on a jackable foundation and the construction of the Beach House with a piled basement. As a result of our work in the area the Council also instigated a scheme of beach replenishment which has been very successful in reinstating beach levels.
As a result of the work carried out here it was possible to correct the published insitu geology of the area.